⚡ Snippet Reference

In Sublime-WP-Customizer, all the snippets are tab triggered which are aimed to bring ease to your workflow. Just select a snippet and then press the tab button to go from one editable part to another.

With Sublime-WP-Customizer you can add the following snippets:

  • The tab trigger wpCustomizerAddPanel adds a new Panel in the Customizer.
  • The tab trigger wpCustomizerAddSection adds a new Section in the Customizer. -The tab trigger wpCustomizerAddSetting adds a new Setting which gets saved in your database.
  • The tab trigger wpCustomizerAddControlBasic adds a Basic Control field.
  • The tab trigger wpCustomizerAddControlImage adds a control field for an Image.
  • The tab trigger wpCustomizerAddControlUpload adds a new control field to Upload any file.
  • The tab trigger wpCustomizerAddControlColor adds a control field for the Color picker.
  • The tab trigger wpCustomizerPostMessageJSBasic adds a basic JS snippet for Transport/Refresh option.
  • The tab trigger wpCustomizerRegisterFunction creates a function to hook inside the WP Customizer.